PayU Click

Jun 24 2020

PayU Click

PayU Click allows your customers to securely pay with a single click

Sell up to 8% more by eliminating a couple of steps your customers go through when completing their purchases.

Ideally suited for

streamlining the payment process for your customers.

Generating promotions for credit card payments enabling an increase in your conversion.

Benefits of PayU Click

  • Your clients enter their credit card details only once.

    No additional activations needed as PayU Click is already incorporated in our WebCheckout functionality.

    Increase your conversion by up to 8% by decrease the number of steps required to complete the purchase.

¿How does PayU Click work?

  • A click on the Pay Button

    redirects your customer to WebCheckout where card details are entered once.

  • The card data

    is stored safely, so when making a new payment, all it takes your customer to pay is one click.

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